Abolish Misspending
date: apr 28 2013
guide on voting to pinoy election
1.vote for candidates who will fight for your vote
- talks must be on the air in all the medias available in free tv world esp
2.vote for them whom in short period of time made great things
- incumbents yes truly have done things not seen by the public,these things needs to be discussed too if a person really done wrong then where are the evidence?if there are ,then a person will be guilty
3. vote candidates who will level up town into cities
- even great things are done a person avoid violating the so called anti dynasty thing
4. candidates who can make 1 districts into 2 ,2 into 3 etc
- governing is business there must be profits and proper expenditures
5. vote candidates who will fight for children's right and prevent those of legal age exploiting the minors.-
- a candidate must be a fighter because politics and leadership is an endless fight
6.whom will explain the laws
- intellectuals can make others intellectual by sharing their thoughts or doing intelligent service by teaching
7. believe in destiny and the will of divine Providence
- one can support whoever they like still the winning party may or may not dissappoint him her
8. you have the right to vote , but have no right to the result
- leave the result to the Precinct count optical scan (PCOS) machine
9. vote for candidate for his her way of thinking and being pro welfare of all.
- those who give much are mostly attractive , it is like the spirit of sacrificing
10.thinking means planning and the capacity to lead and implement all that
- the pattern of behavior and personality of a leader can be trace from their political history and track records , what they have done in the past ,must be reviewed so that people can see that good example and model
11. voters vote for their relatives but voters in general knows whom to vote
- a person feelings wants changes and dynamicity and expansion , the idealogy make winner and losers unite not fight each other
12.educated people will vote for those with desires and deserving
- their votes is just a portion of the whole deal pie
13 uneducated people will vote based on popularly known-their votes occupies the big portion of election returns, here classifying their level as laborers ,and intellectual must be established they may or may not be employed
14 some voter will vote on what their leaders tell them
- this is done with threat and threat is not pro life and should not be encourage
15. some voters will vote for new candidates ,unpopular and never been tried before
- politics is the way to be a part of utilizing the wealth of the world ,working together to have a voice a say to what they like and dislike
16.the total votes will result to a winning candidates
-penalties and punishments are two things only to be or not to be implemented
17 cheaters will do their magic but the law will counteract them
- it is now detectable if someone did something wrong with cctv and the records and what the records shows and rationality upholds the law .
18. few will win from candidates and most of the incumbent will win
- more heads more eyes more brains is stronger than one, for now
19 it will disappoint #12 #15
- sportsmanship means accepting and experiencing losing in order to win.nowadays new running candidates can win , running as candidate is courage , and when people wants changes they chooses new one.
20. if the deserving candidate wins he she will get reelection .
- the incumbent great deeds is another plus factor to win favor
-abolishing Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) or Pork Barrel must be discussed properly.- who will decide spending peoples money? those few good man? or to the congressman and senators and the pres?or just abolish misspending not the pdaf?
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