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Monday, April 29, 2013

Practice & Drills

Practice & Drills
date: apr 30 2013
integrated personality
1.dont lie
-people love honesty,and real things not diversion not easy money but some still get enchanted by easy money schemes and those networking that closes after 10 or 15 years ,some small banks and insurance companies are like that ,beware of them.
2.oneness in thoughts words and action-
these develops credibility and its a hard work there's no way it is easy.
3.practice and drills-
physical psychic spiritual whatever practice it is a must on doing any chosen process towards the personal or collective goal
- the mindset should be based not on methodology but on philosophy shows and their influence
-tv shows here means the free tv available locally that everybody watch in your localities,business must be based on ads and commercials because people starts to believe and will look for those commercials they watch everyday
6. ads on tv
- every products expires so its better to get updated
7. tv shows logy-
-some shows are funny involving or using double meaning words , it should be with little bit of real humor
-teleseries are cool when it is really surprising ,from simple to complex ,based on real events and people of all classes can relate
you must enjoy indoor activities when theres enough work or physical labor or workout beyond the comfort of your home
its like 5 &6 and it also includes political issues and celebrities and news ideas and its limitation
- life is not predictable it is not a movie that you have idea of the end , life is a surprise so new ideas will come , new things beyond your imaginations and expectations , and only your imagination is the limit but the new things can and will help you adapt catch up and will make your imagination expand and flow.

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